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Home » » She Is Mine- Chapter 1

She Is Mine- Chapter 1

We dominated the halls, me and pack- but we’re better known around high school as the football team. Our werewolf strength and instincts gained us the upper hand during games, heck, we even go easy on them! If we tried as much as we do when we train with each other, we would have killed off all the competition! Jay, my right hand man hit my shoulder, snatching my attention. He was Korean but tall, standing at 6ft with short black Mohawk styled hair. “Oh look Nick, target acquired!” Jay pointed and I followed his arm to a small, weak, runt at his lockers… its funny how weak he is- especially compared to us! Mike, my other best friend ran up behind the nerd, slamming him down hard onto the floor, sending his glasses sliding to my foot. Mike stood up and looked down at his pray with glee and admiration of his work. I lifted my foot and crushed it down on his specs as he blindly searched for them. “What’s wrong four eyes?! Can’t see!?” I teased, kicking his smashed glasses back to him. Yeah, I know… it’s mean, but we’re the school bullies. In our defence, its in our wild nature to pick out the weak to survive! Mike continuously kicked powerful blows to the nerd’s stomach until he started to cough up blood, but we all just laughed. Crowds began to circle around us, yet no one dared interfered not even the teachers with the kind of hold my family have over the schools board members! “STOP!... WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” a girl shouted as she pushed through the crowd and had used her petite body to try and protect the nerd from further abuse. My heart missed a beat and time seemed to slow down as my eyes ran over her slender but curvy body. She brushed the dark brown curly strand of hair that had fallen over her beautiful big hazel eyes back into her bun. My eyes drifted down her perfect heart shaped face to her pink lush lips… so kissable… I wondered what she taste like! Wait! What am I saying!?! She can’t be.. a human is my.. my mate! “Hahaha! You have to get your girlfriend to save you!” Mike joked and everyone laughed excepted me, instead I uncontrollably growled at the thought of my mate being someone else’s. Instantly my pack silenced from my alpha growl and turn to me, slowly one by one the look of realisation and shock takes over- I’m protecting my mate! We all stare at her with shock… this can’t be possible! My mate takes our silence as the opportunity to help the geek up and push through the crowds to escape. “Wait!” I shout after her. The crowds part out of my way and there she stood, with the geeks arm around her slender waist for support and I growl again with anger! I just wanted to smash his brains out against the wall for touching her!! “Wait?! For what!? Haven’t you had enough of bullying us!?!” she was angry with me… she was defending the nerd, making my blood boil more! But seeing how sexy she was when she was mad.. oh how much I wanted her!! But I never wanted to see that pain in her eyes, never again! ‘Take her, mate with her!!’ my inner wolf yelled, but not here, not while she still hates me! Before I could defend myself she had already left… I needed her, she had to be mine! Eva I jumped in front of Peter to protect him from the dickheads that are the football team, but mostly from the team captain, Nick! Everyday they pick on Peter for no reason other than their own enjoyment and today they were going too far!! “Hahaha! You have to get your girlfriend to save you!” one of the pricks joked, sending the crowed into fits of laughter that echoed down the hall, yet Nick stayed silent until he let out a deep, primal growl that silenced everyone instantly! I lifted my eyes from the floor, daringly looking up at Nick. His 6ft 2 structure stood intimidatingly over my small 5ft 3 frame. Here stood Nick Lewis, a god amongst men. His grey t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, taunting me as it hugged his well-defined chest and his hard pecs tensing with each movement. My eyes drifted higher to perfectly sculptured face, his short-ish messed hair that was as black a night and really brought the attention to his deep dark blue eyes, screaming for my attention! In that instant, all my self- control spilled. Kisses Thoughts raced around my head as I gazed at him, frozen in place a chill raced the length of my spine and I continued to take in the sight of Nick… the way he looked at me with such wanting and lust, like he was sizing me up- looking for his next meal! Surely not… why would Nick want me!?! I shook my head to snap out of my deranged state and took their stillness as an opportunity to flee! I helped Peter to his feel, supporting him by placing his hand around my waist and through the hall filled with students. “Wait!” Nick shouted from behind us. On his command the crowd parted like Moses parting the red sea! My anger was still boiling from how much of a bastard he is to my friends and at how freaked out I still am from suddenly feeling like I did… but I can’t let myself get caught up in Nick’s tricks of seducing woman, like he had done to every other girl at school. “Wait?! Wait for what!? Haven’t you had enough of bullying us!?!” He went silent once more. My mouth went Sahara desert dry, I was actually talking back to Nick Lewis… was I crazy!! Do I want to get killed in the last year of high school!! I looked up and our eyes met. We stared deeply into each other’s eyes and it felt as though he could see right into my soul! The way he looks at me.. Being around him, makes me feel whole- as if without him, I’m missing a piece of myself! Oh my, I sound crazy!! I needed to be away from him, I needed to clear my head! I pulled closer to Peter and turned back around and exited down the hallway.


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